FDC at a Glance
FDC at a Glance


The Forestry Development Center as the Center of Excellence for policy research and development in forestry and natural resources towards a sustainable and resilient environment and better quality of life.


  • Conduct policy studies, policy development and policy advocacy
  • Link research results into forestry policies
  • Establish an effective and efficient forestry resource information system
  • Enhance the capability of the forestry and natural resources sectors in policy research and development


Develop comprehensive policies responsive to local, national and global concerns toward the attainment of sustainable forestry and natural resources.


The Forestry Development Center as  the Center of Excellence for policy research and development in forestry and natural resources management towards a better quality of life and the environment.


  • Conduct policy studies, policy development and policy advocacy
  • Link research results into forestry policies
  • Establish an effective and efficient forestry resource information system
  • Enhance the capability of the forestry and natural resources sectors in policy research and development


Develop comprehensive policies responsive to local, national and global concerns toward the attainment of sustainable forestry and natural resources.


Based on its mandate and in support of its vision, mission and goal, the Center aims to:

  • generate relevant data and information on forestry, natural resources and other related environment fields;
  • conduct policy researches on forestry, natural resources and other related environmental fields relative to changing local, national and global priorities, goals and objectives;
  • advocate policy reforms and programs which will enhance forestry, natural resources and environmental development in particular, and national development in general;
  • promote healthy discussions of issues on policy reforms and critical development in forestry, natural resources and the environment among sectors concerned; and
  • publish and disseminate forestry, natural resources and environmental policy information.


The Forestry Development Center derived its mandate under Section 11 of Presidential Decree 1559, a decree amending P.D. 705, otherwise known as the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines.  A pertinent portion of this section in the decree is quoted as follows:
“There shall be established in the College of  Forestry, University of the Philippines at Los Baños, in coordination with the Department of Natural Resources and the Wood Industry, a Forestry Development Center which shall conduct basic policy researches in forestry and develop or help develop an effective machinery for forestry policy formulation and implementation.”

The decree was signed into law on 11 June 1978.  The Forestry Development Center became operational on 02 February 1981 after the release of its initial budget appropriated by the National Government.
Part of the initial budget went into the construction of an additional wing at the UPLB College of Forestry Administration Building to house the Center.  The construction began in 1982 converting the roof garden of the building into the Office of the Director, Conference Room, Clerical Pool, Computer Room and Reading Room.  The extension was built on the eastern part of the building with one office room and a canteen at the ground floor and 3 office rooms on the second floor.  Two new cars were likewise bought for the official use of the Center (both were condemned in the  90s because of unserviceability) whose mandate required constant mobility and linkaging with other offices, agencies, organizations engaged  in forestry, natural resources and environment matters.
Initially, the Center has 29 personnel, excluding the Director who, as a faculty member belonged to an academic department of the College. Of this number, 17 were technical staff members while 12 were administrative and support staff.  Several Forestry Development Fellows with honoraria were also appointed to assist the technical staff during the Center’s fledgling years.

About the Logo

Green stands for the natural resources development and forestry policy studies as a subsystem of the FDC.

Blue stands for human resources development and forestry policy education and information dissemination as a subsystem of the FDC.

White represents the system’s openness to the exchange of resources or information with its environment and other forestry development systems.

Infinity sign represents the long-term dimensions of forestry policies that transcends the here and now to be relevant to the development of ecologically productive natural resources to serve society.

Circle depicts the FDC as a system.