Forest Policy E-Talks is BACK!
Forest Policy E-Talks is BACK!

This March 1, 2023, the FDC presents the first webinar of Forest Policy Etalks 2023 on Operationalizing Forest Management Units (FMUs): The Indonesian Experience via Zoom and Facebook live at 9:00 AM.

The resource person, Dr. Agus Setyarso of Institut Pertanian Stiper, Yogyakarta, Indonesia will discuss the “Orchestrating the Future of Indonesia’s Forestry Sector through Forest Management Units (FMU) Approach”.

For. Arleigh Adorable, CESO III of the FMB-DENR and For. Ma. Teresa De Luna of PENRO Aurora will serve as discussants who will provide insights on the presentation, and share experiences on operationalizing FMUs in the Philippines.

Register to join by scanning the QR code or clicking this link 👉🏼
