New Director for FDC
New Director for FDC

The Forestry Development Center (FDC) welcomed its new Director, Dr. Dixon T. Gevana. Sir Dix as he is fondly called, was appointed as the Center’s director last June 9, 2022. He is also a part of the pool of faculty in the CFNR under the Department of Social Forestry and Forest Governance. He has previously served as the Director of the Training Center for Tropical Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability.

Dr. Gevaña was also a recent recipient of the National Academy of Science and Technology (NASTP-PHL) Ten Outstanding Young Scientists. He was recognized on the strength of his researches on mangroves, particularly on mangrove blue carbon and tree biomass modeling. His journey to the academe started as a BS Forestry graduate at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, the same university from which his Masters in Community Development was acquired. He further pursued his Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science at the Seoul National University in South Korea.

A very brief turnover ceremony was presided over by Dean Marlo D. Mendoza and was attended by all of the FDC staff. During the ceremony, Dean Mendoza stressed on the importance of Dr. Gevaña’s appointment as new director as he expects him to steer FDC to really achieve its mandate and to play a prominent role in crafting policies in the forestry sector.
Dr. Gevaña, in a brief speech stated his plans for the Center. He emphasized on the need for FDC’s visibility not only locally but all the more globally in order to really achieve its goals. He also stated the need for the Center to partner with more local strategic institutions, while also saying that “if it is in our heart to really help and uplift our fellow humans, we need to craft sound and science-backed policies” to better the lives of fellow countrymen. Lastly, the FDC staff warmly welcomed their new director and expressed their all-out support for him. (RVCCabrera)
